From My Kitchen Window

From My Kitchen Window

It’s amazing the things I see from my kitchen window while I’m washing dishes. I see the storage building is going to have to be painted this year, no more putting it off…but, I also see the blue, blue sky and some beautiful wispy clouds and imagine the sky animal shapes sailing there. I see that the crepe myrtle is fading which means that summer is on the way out…but, I also think about how beautiful it was this year and am grateful it is recovering from a severe pruning. I see the leaves of my maple are looking tired…but, I can hardly wait for the glorious orange they will be when frost touches them.

As I gaze out my kitchen window, I think of other things, things that trouble me. I cringe at man’s inhumanity to fellow humans, at the hatred and division that threaten  to tear us apart, at the uncertainties coming at us from every side. As you well know, if we let them, those worries can make us ill. Then I remember the hugs from my grandchildren, the love of my children, the friendly smile from a woman in a wheel chair in the grocery store, the phone call from a friend, the patience of my publisher, the courage of a child with a handicap and I’m grateful. God is here, with us and around us. I look through my kitchen window and feel blessed.

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