This is Friday the Whatth?

This is Friday the Whatth?

Friday the 13th. An ominous day for those among us who are superstitions.  Thankfully, I’m not burdened by belief in superstitions; I don’t even read  my horoscope in the newspaper. I just don’t think a Christian needs to go there. My trust is in the Lord Jesus. He is all I need.

And, after that introduction, which has absolutely nothing to do with what I’m going to say next, let me go to a conversation I had with my brother yesterday morning. Sometimes he and I like to reminisce about the “good old days” and, for some unknown reason, we started talking about commercials. Yep,  commercials, but not the ones we see on TV today, the ones that were popular a few years ago. Those older ones were so memorable, even after a lot of yesterdays, they are still stuck somewhere in my brain.

When I was a child, my dad always listened to the Wednesday Night Fights (boxing) on the radio. The program was sponsored by some products that are still around, some that are not. Remember, “From the land of sky-blue waters, Hamm’s a beer refreshing”? And how about the peppy little jingle for Gillette Blue Blades? Then there was Bucky Beaver advertising Ipana Toothpaste. I think these radio commercials, because they had no visuals to go with them (as in television), had to depend strictly on audio, and the audio had to be good. You can be sure that behind each catchy song or jingle there was a writer or two or a dozen.

Later, with the advent of television, some of the commercials were still a lot better than the programs. Do you happen to recall Halo Shampoo and the song, “Halo, everybody, Halo.” And the Doublemint twins who advised us to “double our pleasure, double our fun with double good, double good, Doublemint gum”? One of my favorite little commercial characters was Speedy of Alka Seltzer fame. Those were some really cute commercials. And for them, of course, we can thank those people known as writers.

So far, my meandering mind was wandered from Friday the 13th to old-time commercials to watering my plants. The picture at the bottom of this page is what I did yesterday when I noticed that my flowers had their tongues hanging out and heard them faintly calling for a drink. We were blessed with good rain during July and August. I sure hope the weather decides to turn to a cool, wet  fall. Meanwhile, in order to keep my flowers around for a while longer, I have to resort to watering them.

A  Cozy Catter whose name I neglected to list Wednesday is Lyla Fox. Lyla has two mysteries on, Murder on Cinnamon Street and Snoop. She also has an attractive website. I’m sure she would like to have you drop in for a visit at

Sharon Rose, another Cozy Catter, has the Parson’s Cove mysteries series. Her books are on Amazon too and I think you will enjoy reading about her female sleuth who mixes humor with perseverance. She is also the author of another fascinating book, No Turning Back.

Happy Friday, everyone. I’m praying that northwest Arkansas and all of us who need it, get rain. Soon.


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