Fog Rolls Out; Good News Rolls In

Fog Rolls Out; Good News Rolls In

Good news! Yesterday’s fog lasted pretty much all day. That was not the good news, but it was a super good day anyway. One reason was my kids. We all bundled into the car and trekked out into the cold, gray, dampish world. We ate at our favorite restaurant, we shopped, we piled back into the car and came home but we had a good time! We also laughed and teased and enjoyed the day, fog or not!

Here’s more good news the cold, gray day could not touch–book success! The oral edition of Grave Heritage stepped onto the literary stage yesterday, took a bow, and said, “I’m here. Give a listen.” You can hear a sample before you buy. Thank you, Duke and Kimberly Pennell and Michelle Babb. This link will take you there:

I enjoy audio books when I drive. I enjoy them when I’m baking, or just sitting down to rest and want to lean back, close my eyes, put my feet up and relax. I think you’ll like this one too.It is really cold this morning. The temperature is not even up to freezing. Our weather person says we have a chance for snow tomorrow. At the moment, it’s a small chance, but, hey! That can change. Perhaps by morning, it’ll be a big chance!

The sun is breaking through, my neighbor just got into his car and headed out to work, the squirrels are busy at their private buffet, a.k.a. bird feeders, and Nemo is out briefly to patrol the yard and make sure all o’possums, raccoons, rabbits, bears, and bobcats have gone home. He ignores the squirrels unless he’s in the mood for a good chase.

By the way, my guest blog is still up on Evelyn Cullet’s site. If you haven’t been there, give it a look. It was fun to do and Evelyn has an attractive website.

Whatever the weather is at your house, whether you are in warm Florida, chilly Minnesota, on the east or west coast or across the Atlantic, I hope your day is a happy one. If it isn’t sunny on the outside, never mind. It can be a great day anyway. Happy reading!





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