Fiddlin’ With the Facts

Fiddlin’ With the Facts

Remember the old, black and white TV series, Dragnet and the phrase, “Just the facts, Ma’am.”  This unflappable team of Jack Webb and Harry Morgan spent a whole thirty minutes ferreting out the bad guys and getting to the facts of the case. But, fiction writers can have fun fiddlin’ with the facts.

In writing By the Fright of the Silvery Moon, I couldn’t resist adding a touch of Oklahoma history. Only thing is, for various reasons, I had to diverge from the actual facts a time or two and indulge in a bit of “what if”.

Believe it or not, times have changed in the last forty years. I can remember looking up historical facts at NSU’s library on something called microfiche. But, fearful that technology had caught up and surpassed me, I consulted a librarian last night to see whether there were more up-to-date methods of delving into just the facts. There were. I’m glad I consulted a professional.

Judging from what I’ve read, some authors hold their books close to the vest, so to speak, from start to finish. I kind of like input. I’ll run an idea by a friend or several friends, as in the Cozy Critters, and ask them to poke holes in it. They do. Believe me, I’d rather have the holes poked before publication than after.

In all my books, you’ll find facts, historical or otherwise. You’ll also find a lot of my imagination. It’s all fun and it’s amazing how the two mesh–the make-believe and the real-life. Unlike Sgt. Joe Friday, I like including a whole lot more than “just the facts, Ma’am.”

Drop in for a visit any time to my Author’s Page. You’ll find facts and a little bit more.

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