Discovery and Inspiration

Discovery and Inspiration

Sometimes inspiration comes in a surprising way–when I least expect it. Now, the New Testament is inspiring in itself but some time ago, I made a discovery that I hadn’t been expecting and I was inspired to include that discovery in a mystery. 

Some of us stick small items of importance in our Bibles–a picture, a quote, a newspaper clipping. My mother’s Bible is almost a scrapbook in itself because of the things she stuck inside the covers, a place of safe keeping. Evidently, this trait runs in the family because in my grandmother’s New Testament, I found a quilt pattern! She had cut it from a paper or magazine many years ago and stuck it inside. Did she ever make the quilt? I don’t know. 

Quilts and the names of quilts are all part of our history. They tell stories. I have a some quilts but I know the names of only a few: flower garden, log cabin, country woman, and now this pattern, the pickle dish. 

So, how could a discovery serve as inspiration for a cozy mystery decades after my grandmother stuck it into her New Testament? The answer is found within the pages of another, far less important book, the third Ned McNeil moonlight cozy mystery. It’s in the works.

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