The Deed Is Done for One More Year

The Deed Is Done for One More Year

The deed is done! Yesterday, I took down the tree and packed it and the ornaments away. All the Santa gourds are off the mantel to be replaced with just…gourds, no particular season. Nemo can return to his usual sunny self because the tree no longer covers one of his napping spots. Wreaths are down, candles are tucked away…for One More Year!

It’s always a little sad to take down the Christmas finery. For one thing, Christmas is a milestone, marking the years as they pass. I always wonder what will transpire between this Christmas and the next. For another thing, a few of the tree decorations remind me of people and places that are no longer with us. I’ve kept ornaments for years. I went through a phase of making eggshell ornaments. Today, as I put away one that is twenty-five years old, I broke a small piece out of it. Starting to throw it away, I re-thought and kept it. The broken piece is on the bottom and doesn’t come near the picture on the egg.

Many years ago, a strong wind blew through Tahlequah and toppled a giant catalpa tree that stood beside my parents’ cellar. The catalpa had seed pods that resembled green beans. When the pods dried, they made dandy craft items. So, I painted two .long-bearded Santas from the only two seed pods I saved from the tree.

The okra pod Santa is one I bought at a craft sale. Isn’t it interesting the way everyday things can be used in so many crafty ways?

My sister painted the hickory nut and turned it into a strawberry years ago. I’ll always treasure that ornament. And, a very dear friend bought the other shell ornament at a craft fair. I think it’s a giant pecan that someone has intricately carved.

Anyway, as I’ve said before, my Christmas tree is not a beautiful one with a special theme. It is a hodgepodge of memories and I like it just as it is!

Speaking of books…oh! We were talking about cozy mysteries, weren’t we? Someone asked what my favorite of my five cozies is. It could be Moonlight Can Be Murder because I’m really enjoying writing the sequel to it.

Photo by Michelle Albrecht


Or, it could be the last Darcy and Flora cozy, Grave Heritage. I like it because Darcy and Flora’s family is revealed to be anything but perfect.

Flawed, might best describe the family, but, they are never defeated. They face each challenge and are not afraid of the truth. So, yes, I really, really like Grave Heritage too. Do you have a favorite?

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