The Coffee Is Hot, the Welcome Is Warm

The Coffee Is Hot, the Welcome Is Warm

Outside my window, fog hides the world behind an eerie curtain. But, come on in and let’s have an early morning chat. The coffee is hot, the welcome is warm at my house.

fog glides along the street

A car hums up the hill, its headlights tunneling through a colorless world. How welcoming lights appear in the darkness!

Have you ever gone through times when you felt the whole world was as gray and cheerless as it appears in a fog? Did you yearn for the sun to break through, to give a sense of direction, so you could see where you were, where you came from, and where you should be going?

I remember driving slowly along a foggy street, unsure of whether I was headed in the right direction, wondering if I had made a wrong turn and then, in the distance, a glimmer –the light of home. Everything was going to be all right. What a relief.


Some people have a special gift of being a light. They make you feel better. Friends may not understand a problem, but they accept you anyway. A listening ear and a sympathetic heart does wonders to brighten a cheerless day. A good book is like that. It brings you inside, shuts the door, bids you sit down and rest a while from all those troubles outside its pages.


Wherever you are, whether your day is bright or cold and dark, I hope you have joy and love and a sense of purpose. A foggy day has no chance at all against a good friend, a good book, and a good cup of coffee.



  1. Praise God He is our peace, He is our light, He is our joy when we focus on Him! I’m so glad your books focus on Him.

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