Coffee, Books, and Blackberry Winter


This is blackberry winter. Blackberries are blooming and the temperature has fallen to forty-four degrees this morning. A good morning for a cup of coffee and a crackling fireplace. A good morning for a chat with friends.

Because this is starting out to be a wonderful day for staying inside and reading, let’s talk about books. I’ve gotten hooked on the Freddie Pilkington Soames books by Clara Benson.

Have you read any of her books? I’m reading the fourth in the series, Duplicity in Dorset. I like the writing style. I like Freddie. The books are believable and hold my attention from start to finish. 

I’m over-joyed to find Clara Benson writes in series. But, it’s sort of like eating salted peanuts. I always want to read the next book and the next. 

A dear friend and her two little girls visited yesterday. Our conversation wanders over many subjects, but we always talk about books. She is one of the two friends who find my cozy mysteries too scary to read. That always gives me a good laugh. But, it’s okay. We all have different tastes in books.

For just relaxing or a trip back to childhood days for comfort, I still read the Thornton W. Burgess books. Yes, I know they are old-fashioned and whimsical, but they are kind of like returning to yesteryear and are good books to read before falling asleep.

Blackberry winter is a perfect time for reading. So, pour another cup of coffee, delve into your favorite book, and enjoy this chilly spring day.

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