Bone-Chilling Cold

Bone-Chilling Cold

It is so cold this morning that Nemo hurries to do his business then wants back in directly. I understand. He’s a lucky little fellow to have a warm home and I, of course, am lucky to have such a staunch watch dog. Many little animals don’t have that and I’m sorry. Sad to say, I’m afraid many people don’t have the warmth of shelter and food either. 

The temperature is thirteen with a wind chill of zero. A light covering of snow/sleet/stuff lies on the ground. As my mother would say, It’s bitter-cold.

Thankfully, yesterday I did food shopping and today I can stay safely indoors. Sounds like a good day for writing, doesn’t it? There are days like this in Darcy and Flora’s life too–also in Ned’s. In looking back at Best Left Buried and Moonlight Can Be Murder, I see there are plenty of bitter-cold days in Levi and in Ednalee. So, what do Darcy and Flora and Ned do on days like today? They come in beside the fireplace, sip hot coffee or tea, and think about solutions to the mystery! Exactly what I should do.

People have accused my cozy mysteries of being too scary. Why should I, a mild-mannered (mostly) retired kindergarten teacher write such spine-tingling things? Why, because that’s the way my amazing brain works, of course. And then, there are others who see hints of Medford or Mary Roberts Rinehart. I’m grateful for all of these comments. That means they are reading and enjoying and that’s the reason an author writes.

So, would I write if no one read my books? Is it an instinct within me that cannot be ignored and must find outlet in the written word? Perhaps. But, I’d be a closet writer, not trying for publication, content to be the only audience for those shivery tales. Can’t you see me ensconced inside a dark closet, notebook on my knees, pen in one hand and flashlight in the other? 

Or, better still, in some dark and cobwebby attic, bare except for a table, candle, typewriter and paper, pecking away at some mysterious tale? 

Wherever I wrote and for an audience or none at all, I’d hope it would be warm and have plenty of coffee on hand. Actually,I’ll opt for the fireplace, drapes pulled, and all the lights lit. Warming the day with a cozy mystery is the only thing to do when the temperature sinks, shivering, into abysmal depths of frigidity.


  1. Stay warm, Blanche!

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