Being Aware of August

Being Aware of August


Happy first day of August! Did you know that today, August 1, is National Girlfriends’ Day, National Mountain Climbing Day, and National Raspberry Cream Pie Day? The whole month is Admit You’re Happy Month, and this first week of August is Simplify Your Life Week. Pretty interesting month, isn’t it? 

This month was named for Augustus Caesar. That Roman emperor left us some pithy quotes, things to think about. Hasten slowly, Augustus said, and, I found Rome a city of bricks and left it, a city of marble. His great uncle was Julius Caesar. An impressive fellow, Augustus. 

As I stepped onto the deck this morning, the air felt cool and almost chilly. This is a reminder that summer, although it is basically still with us in spirit and in fact, is winding down. In less than a month, schools will start. True to form, a harbinger of August is my yearly onset of hay fever. When the ragweed blooms, I sneeze, eyes itch, and all that allergy stuff! Maybe the mosquitoes will realize their time is almost up and disappear somewhere. I hope!

Today is Critique Day! The Cozy Critters will come and we’ll have a grand time discussing books and art, and many other things. Coffee and a little something sweet to eat will embellish the day.

If you could name August any month you wanted, what would you name it? Or, who would you recognize during this last summer month? Would you designate a certain day as National Read a Cozy Mystery Day or National Best Heroine in a Series Day? It’s fun to contemplate. August is a month to stretch the imagination and flex those mental muscles. Or, my favorite, National Enjoy a Cup of Coffee and Savor a Cozy Mystery Month.


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