A Worthy Ambition

A Worthy Ambition


Yesterday, the afternoon stretched before me. It was one of those days that I didn’t really want to delve into anything that would require much concentration. In other words, I felt at loose ends. Then, a niggling, guilty thought intruded. I needed to get started cleaning out the garage, sorting through, throwing away, giving things away–it was a worthy ambition.

I decided to start with a box of books. I opened the lid and took a peek. In what condition would I find them? They hadn’t been disturbed in years. Happily, they seemed to be in fine fettle, no mold, mildew, or anything else to mar their pages. Next, I took them out of the box. Wonderful, old Christmas books, history books, fiction, hardbacked books, soft cover, and others. They were all in the same condition as they had been when I packed them away. Most of them looked brand-new, except, of course, they weren’t.

The upshot was, I couldn’t decide to let go of any of them. Now, how dumb is that? They certainly aren’t doing me or anyone else any good, hidden as they are in my garage. Depressing. So, lest I succumb to sadness, I hastily re-packed them and said, as Scarlett O’Hara did, “I’ll think about it tomorrow.”

So, I grabbed my camera and wandered into the front yard. Even though the rain had revived flowers and they appeared fresh and colorful, they had an autumn aura about them, as if knowing that soon the warm weather would end. And, so would they. Good night, I wasn’t feeling any happier.

I gave it all up, came inside, and watched Jeopardy. Interesting. Happily, I knew a few questions to Mr. Trebek’s answers. At last, a feeling of accomplishment.

Those boxed-up books? I did try to re-purpose them, give them away. Honest, I did. It was a worthy ambition. And then, I re-thought. Perfect solution! I’ll buy another book shelf. I believe there’s room in the front hall. Maybe. Then, I’ll bring in the books and put them out on display. Will I re-read them? Possibly. But, they’ll look so comfortable there and comforting too. Books! I love ’em.

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