What Makes the World Go Round?

What Makes the World Go Round?

Once in a While is a sentimental love song The Chimes recorded back in 1961. I really like that song! I like the old cars that flash by behind them. I remember those cars. I remember the time. And, you know what? I can understand the words!

Nature has its own music in the wind, in bird songs, in the sound of a woodpecker drilling for insects, or just in silence. Sometimes, in the stillness, God speaks. And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still, small voice. (I Kings 19:12)

Music has always been a big part of my life. It is a wonderful gift to mankind. Music influences listeners much more than we think. Someone a long time ago said he didn’t care who wrote the laws of a land, just so he could write the songs. Music tells us a lot about people, both about the songwriters and the people who enjoy their music, but sometimes silence is mighty nice too.


  1. I still love those old songs! I drove a 1957 turquoise Pontiac. Music is a wonderful gift from our Creator.

  2. I agree, Sharon. Music is a wonderful gift. I think the Bible mentions “morning stars that sang together.” I believe that music was present at Creation.

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