Why Keep Reading?

Why Keep Reading?

When you’ve started a book series, why do you keep reading? Is it the main character? Do you keep reading for the action, to see what’s going to happen next? I’m reading a series, have just finished the tenth book, so it seems I enjoy the writing. Right? But, why?

Usually, it’s the characters who draw me into a story, rooting for those characters, feeling a kinship with them. Do you ever get really aggravated with a main character and feel like shaking some sense into her? In this series, there are times when I feel just that way. She forms opinions of a whole country based on the actions of the leaders of that country. She has some deep-seated prejudices;  yet, she is highly critical of others with different prejudices.

So, why do I keep reading? The book is action-packed; it’s a page-turner. The setting and supporting characters are familiar and comfortable, like returning to a friendly home. The main character is indeed flawed, but then, so aren’t we all? Perhaps I identify with her stubbornness and applaud her courage. Anyway, there are a few more books left in the series and probably, I’ll read them all and then feel sad when I’ve finished.



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