Out of Tune and Off Base

Out of Tune and Off Base

Did you ever wake up feeling out of tune and off base? Did it seem that the fuzzy recollection of some unidentifiable dream opened your eyes but left you with an uneasy feeling? Or, do you always greet the day with enthusiasm and shed those feelings of unease like a duck sheds water? If that’s the case, you are wonderfully blessed.

Maybe it was the storm that woke me during the night. I don’t know how much rain we had, but it sounded as if it had targeted the grass and trees as the enemy and was doing a pretty good job of taking down those new leaves just by pounding them. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled and the ground had a good drenching.

I guess that was the Easter spell, which old-timers say always happens about this time of year. The whole week looks rainy and there’s nothing better for flowers, trees, and farmers’ crops than a wet April. I love rain, and was born on a stormy April night many years ago, so you’d think I’d awake feeling invigorated and rarin’ to go. Not so.

Instead, I feel sort of off base, out of filter, like a piano in need of a good tuning. What should I do to combat this nasty old case of the grunge? Work is a good antidote and I can think of a couple of floors in need of sweeping and some papers that should be filed.  And, coffee! You and I know that a good, hot cup of coffee makes everything go better. So, maybe I’m out of tune, so what? A song played slightly off key is a song, nonetheless. It’s still my song and nobody else can play it.

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