Tip-Toeing into Monday

Good Monday morning, all you early bird coffee and tea drinkers. Did you read a cozy mystery over the weekend?

Speaking of mysteries brings to mind Edgar Allan Poe. One of his poems, a favorite with me, is The Raven. “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary…” My husband and I used to recount this poem to each other, taking turns on the stanzas. He had the same junior English teacher as I, a dear, devoted lady who loved Mr. Poe. I suspect she married her husband because he resembled Edgar Allan.

This is the beginning of a new week and whatever your week holds, I hope there are lots of happy moments, many favorite people, and at least two or three of your favorite cozy mysteries!



  1. Kimberly One says

    Same to you, Blanche!

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