Time to Change

Time to Change

Another time change this morning and then, we’ll have another in the spring. It’s a marker, like the seasons. Another November, another Sunday to change all the clocks in the house and in the car.

The maple tree doesn’t care if silly humans try to save daylight hours. It has its own time clock. It knows when it’s time to change colors, shed its leaves, and stand its ground throughout a cold winter. Nature pays no attention to the whims of mankind.

The birds, too, have something within that tells them to come to where the woman with the dog fills feeders each year. Nuthatches are back and soon the finches will follow. Cardinals are here year round. Squirrels, opportunists that they are, are probably glad to see fall get here. Robbing bird feeders is a favorite thing with them.

And, I go along, changing clocks, watching the seasons come and go, and enjoying nature. Nature is dependable in that it is not regulated by the laws and rules of people. That, in itself, is reassuring.

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