There’s Something in the Breezes

There’s Something in the Breezes


Something in the breezes, as they stir the weeds and grasses whispers of September as the summer softly passes.

Can you believe this is actually the last day of August? School is in full swing, up in northern Minnesota, the leaves are starting to don their colorful autumn coats, and I’ve seen a Monarch butterfly or two wandering through the yard as if thinking it may soon be time to start that annual, long trip to Mexico. So, as any observer of nature or lover of mysteries can tell you, these are clues! Clues that something may be going to happen. And, in this instance, that something is a change of seasons.

I love a change of seasons! Especially, I love fall. Fall is exciting but it is also bittersweet–a tucking away of a season of warmth and growth, a sort of battening down the hatches for weather that is sometimes downright inhospitable. It is a time for getting rid of all those all hang-ups and disappointments that just might have intruded on summer, and looking forward to a new, hopeful, beautiful time of cooler weather and No Mosquitoes!

Speaking of something new, just to celebrate a brand-new month, tomorrow something exciting is going to happen in the world of cozy mysteries–at least, in my corner of that world. It has to do with Darcy and Flora and a certain book. Be on the look-out.

My favorite dog walker has gone up the hill, a signal of continuity and faithfulness. No matter the season, she walks. So, let’s let her be an inspiration. Let’s take with us into a new month all the old habits and hopes that are good, and discard those we don’t so much care for. Have you noticed? Can you hear? Something in the breezes as they stir the weeds and grasses whispers of September as the summer softly passes.

Blanche Day Manos


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