The World Around Us

I opened my old, tattered three-ring notebook where I’ve stuffed a lot of past writing sales and found these two poems. Both were written a long time ago to two different Christian children’s magazines of widely differing beliefs. But, you know what? Both magazines’ editors liked poems. Poetry and stories sort of bring us all together, don’t they? 

God’s Small World

by Blanche Manos

God made a tiny, shiny world in blades of grass and flowers,

Where crickets creep and spiders spin and dewdrops fall in showers.

And in this small, this crawly world are secrets and surprises.

The caterpillars creeping here wear summertime disguises.

No one but God could think of it; I don’t know how or why

The caterpillar soon becomes a lovely butterfly.


A Job For All

by Blanche Manos

God made each animal, big and small,

Things that jump and things that crawl.

But, bear or bug or bumblebee, each has his own specialty.

Even the earthworm, long and round, nibbles and wiggles and loosens the ground.

So God, show me what to do to work for others and work for You,

With helping hands and happy heart, to take my place and do my part.



  1. It’s truly amazing how all the insects, animals, humans and plants came to be.

  2. Yes, it is. They are fascinating little creations.

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