The Titanic

The Titanic

The Titanic holds a fascination for many people. It was supposed to be unsinkable but it didn’t complete its maiden voyage. I’ve never seen the movie, nor do I plan to. It’s like reading a book where you already know how it ends and it ends in tragedy. There’ve been lots of speculation about its sinking and the horrible loss of life–several conspiracy theories. But, since the wreck was discovered on the floor of the ocean, interest has re-kindled. 

On Sunday, a small sub with five people on board descended into those cold, dark depths to view the Titanic. It suddenly lost contact with its mother ship and nothing has been heard from them since. What happened? At the moment, it is another mystery.

Life is filled with the unexpected. There are fictional mysteries and there are real life mysteries. Some of them are solved and some are never solved where nothing remains but a great deal of sadness and speculation. I hope the disappearance of the small sub has a positive outcome and that mystery comes to a happy conclusion very soon.





  1. I was thinking about the mystery involved with that sub this morning and how little information their was – even mystery in the lack of information. Yes, life holds many mysteries.

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