The Good and the Bad

The Good and the Bad

Thunder rumbles through the heavens. Rain splashes on the deck. The morning is darker than twilight but that’s good. I’m just grateful to have plentiful rain this summer. Amazing that we have rain and this is the middle of July. Reminds me of that rainy July Darcy and Flora experienced.

This morning, I opened the door for Nemo to go out and he looked at me and asked, “Are you kidding? Don’t you hear that terrible, grumbling giant somewhere out there? He doesn’t like little dogs like me.”

So, I shrugged and said, “All right. But sooner or later, you’re going to have to go outside, you know. You haven’t been out all night.”

I was sitting on the deck yesterday afternoon when I heard a loud crack! 100_2650Five seconds later, a large limb from my neighbor’s maple tree crashed across the fence and fell into my yard. I’m just glad no one was under it.

With the rain, Dawn has a beautiful garden. Her vegetables are almost like a painting with their different colors and shapes. Besides, they are yummy and packed with vitamins.

Photo by Dawn Manos

Photo by Dawn Manos

I think Dawn has a way with growing things…I haven’t checked her thumbs but they must be green.

Parts of Arkansas and Oklahoma had damaging storms yesterday. I’m thankful the broken limb was my only casualty. So, we have the good with the bad: wonderful weather for growing plants but we also have the danger of fierce winds and floods.

No, I’m not unaware of what took place in Nice, France yesterday. This is another horrifying example of hatred and the evil that exists in this world. My heart goes out to those people who were affected. It is hard to believe that twisted minds would follow a god who demands murder. What a contrast to the life of Jesus and the love He preached.

“1Since you are God’s dear children, you must try to be like him.2 Your life must be controlled by love” (Ephesians 1-2).

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