That Mean Old Ugly Thorn in the Flesh

Much has been written about St. Paul’s thorn in the flesh, mentioned in II Corinthians 12:7-10. Scholars debate what it might have been. Was it a chronic illness? His eyesight? The Bible says the thorn was a messenger from Satan. The reason it was given? To keep Paul from being exalted above measure. Did God remove that thorn? That’s what Paul would have liked but the Lord said, No. My grace is sufficient. In other words, God would give Paul strength to deal with this thorn.


Well, what if that thorn in the flesh was a person, somebody who followed Paul around, disrupting gatherings, interrupting his sermons, maybe criticizing the way he spoke or his lifestyle? Perhaps this thorn moved among Paul’s listeners whispering innuendos or falsehoods. I don’t know. Bible scholars know far more about this than I.

Do you have a thorn in the flesh? 004Do I? I hadn’t thought of hindrances or annoyances or roadblocks as thorns until recently and I’m beginning to see they are probably that. They are annoying! They do hurt! They are in my way to keep me from enjoying an activity.

A thorn can be a physical limitation that hinders you from doing what you long to do. It can be a debilitating grief, guilt that is like a weight on your heart, the echo of a voice telling you that you will fail. Or, it can be a little busybody person who follows you around, showing up like a bad penny, offering unsolicited advice designed to undermine your confidence. A real pain!

This morning, I’m beginning to look at these thorns as challenges instead of hindrances. If you and I can persevere in our God-given hopes and dreams in spite of them, they can actually be spurs. Spurs hurt too as any horse can tell you but the result is a burst of speed.

So, I’m thinking of thorns as an indication from God that I can handle them. And, if He has confidence in me, who am I to question? I may not be able to get rid of the thorn but I can overcome it and use it as an occasion to soar higher than I would have without it. That is my victory.



  1. Blanche, Another great post and food for thought! Thanks!

  2. Well said!!

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