Thanks for Telling Me

Thanks for Telling Me

This is in an age of information overload. At least, that’s the way it seems to me. Information, some true and some untrue, comes at me from all sides. I remember the old Dragnet series and Joe Friday saying, “All we want are the facts, ma’am.” Same here, Joe. All I want are facts and I mean pertinent facts, things that I should know. Deliver me from all the junk whether true or false that bombards ears and eyes.

For example, I admire certain old-time movie stars because I liked their movies and liked the ideals they represented. I don’t want nor need to know about their personal lives which might or might not be directly opposed to their screen persona. Just let me keep my own ideas of that person to remember. Another thing is, that person probably isn’t around any more to dispute what’s being said. It’s mighty easy to say something for shock effect, true or not.

This is a month of crucial elections and, boy! Talk about misinformation. Statements are made that don’t have any basis in fact. They are simply to get our attention and put doubts or fears in our minds. Or, maybe there’s a tiny seed of fact which is built upon with layers of untruths. I’ve always thought that a candidate should be able to win on his or her own merits without having to detract from his opponent. If he has to make his opponent look bad in order to look good, how honest is that? Just the facts, please. Tell us why we should vote for you–not why we shouldn’t vote for anyone else.

Anyway, those are my thoughts this morning. Just thinking about all the written and spoken words, complete with illustrations sometimes, sifting through, and sorting out the facts.

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