Defying the Darkness

Defying the Darkness

It was a tiny, striped chipmunk, about one-third the size of D. C. the cat. D. C. had stalked her prey and the chipmunk had run until it had no place to go. Behind it was the corner of the yard with no escape route. I’m sure that small rodent’s heart was about to hammer […]

Angry Skies

This morning the news is of the tornadoes that roared through North Texas last night. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families who have lost loved ones and whose homes have been destroyed. Those of us who have never been in the midst of such destruction can’t imagine the horror and pain that […]

Winds of Change

For a time, I wrote feature stories for The Tahlequah Daily Press. On May 5, 1985, The Press published an article I wrote about the tornado that destroyed Peggs, Oklahoma May 2, 1920. The story below is the one that appeared in The Press.  It is a long one so I’m going to  post only […]