What a Deal!

What a Deal!

Hey, Kindle readers, look at the deal my publisher is offering you! He has dropped the price of all Pen-L.com books to 99 cents! Yes, really. Go to Amazon.com and check it out. Here is what a reader said about Best Left Buried: It would take many great adjectives to describe this third book of Blanche […]

Do Squirrels Have Christmas Trees?

Do Squirrels Have Christmas Trees?

Yesterday, as I looked out of my window on the world, I saw a really interesting sight. A small squirrel, probably one of this year’s crop and rather inexperienced,  pulled a stick across the yard. This wasn’t just any stick, it was  a big stick. It was at least twice as long as the squirrel and fully an […]

A Wacky Worrier

A Wacky Worrier

I have a tendency to worry. I know that worry is interest paid on borrowed trouble. I know that worry is useless and 95% of the things a person worries about never happens. I know that worry is a waste of time. Nevertheless, I worry. Maybe it’s because I want people to behave in an […]