My Sister Helen

  When the jonquils bloom in the spring, I think of her–my sister Helen. Maybe it’s because of her March birthday or that, like the flowers, my sister was cheerful and welcoming. Helen was a person who made the world better and brighter, simply by being there. If someone had a problem, she did her […]

Who Was That Man?

Who Was That Man?

No, he wasn’t Cupid, but he was a real person who existed in the days of the emperor Claudius. Claudius was having trouble with his soldiers. They wanted to stay home with their wives and families instead of fighting wars, so Claudius forbade marriages. Valentine, a priest, defied the emperor and performed the ceremonies anyway. […]

A Gift of Love

Yesterday, I got a packet in the mail from the young people at our church’s school. I get one every year about this time, just before Valentine’s Day. It never fails to cheer me. Inside the brown envelope are small, hand-made Valentines. The children have written small notes of encouragement, and they include Bible verses. […]

A Welcoming Place

A Welcoming Place

There’s a picture I found on the internet that really appeals to me. It’s a picture of a log house, a dark, unpainted log house, standing sturdy and tall with snow all around. A chimney rises from one side. I can imagine that this is a welcome refuge for those wanting to come in out […]

In An Icebox

In An Icebox

Brrr and double brrr. It’s a white world outside, just enough snow to cover things and a few lazy flakes still drifting down. Temperature? Well, it’s shivering somewhere around thirteen degrees and I feel like I’m in an icebox. The thermometer sank two degrees in about three minutes last night. However, the biting cold didn’t […]

Quiet Thoughts

Our family has the tradition of lighting Advent candles on the Sundays before Christmas, then reading  Scripture. The soft glow of the candle is peaceful and silent but it reflects a powerful message of hope and love.  As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said, “For hate is strong, And mocks the song Of peace on earth, good-will […]