A Welcoming Place

A Welcoming Place

There’s a picture I found on the internet that really appeals to me. It’s a picture of a log house, a dark, unpainted log house, standing sturdy and tall with snow all around. A chimney rises from one side. I can imagine that this is a welcome refuge for those wanting to come in out of the cold. Inside, there’d be a friendly welcome and warmth, maybe a cup of hot coffee. 

This log home would be a refuge at the end of a long, hard day, or a re-fueling stop on an arduous journey. It would be a place to return to, to keep in one’s heart; it would be a reason and a hope to keep going, determinedly persistent against all odds. 

Isn’t that we all need–a place of safety and love, a place of acceptance where we can relax and warm ourselves, safe from the cold?

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