September’s Song

Hey, all you September people, this is your month to shine, and why not shine with the lovely sapphire as your birthstone! Sapphire! It means fidelity, leadership, and angelic realms. Wow!

Three beautiful flowers form a fall bouquet for you: forget-me-nots (one of my favorites), morning glory, and aster. The morning glory signifies fresh starts and living life to its fullest. 

Apples are in the September spotlight: apple pie, fried apples, applesauce cake, just plain plump, juicy apples to munch.

Our pets must love September. The whole month is National Cat Month and September 8 is Hug Your Hound day. This is according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac. Also, according to that wise tiller of the soil, if the first day of September is fair, so will be the rest of the month. 

So, you can see that September is a special month, a time for those born this month to positively glow. And, just to celebrate, here is a September poem:

Autumn Song

by Blanche Manos

The melody of autumn is played on muted strings,

A symphony of wind and rain, the song September sings.

The rhythm of the autumn rain is somnolent and slow,

From softened sky, a lullaby in summer’s afterglow.

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