Pete and Pat

Are you feeling a-wash this morning? All at sea? Here’s a repeat of someone you might sympathize with.

Pete the peg-legged pirate lived on the sea.

He had a wooden leg beginning just below his knee.

A bright and mouthy parrot sat upon his shoulder

Who was at least as old as Pete or maybe even older.

Pete had a trusty gang of men as gnarly as they come,

They lived on fish and sourdough; their drink was root beer rum.

They were the bane of seven seas, filled others’ hearts with fear;

For none were safe from being robbed if Peg-legged Pete was near.

Then, one day Pat the Parrot began to droop and mope.

So, Pete, concerned for his old pal, said, “You’re not sick, I hope?”

But Pat just sighed and shook his head and said, “I don’t feel well.

I know what is the problem, but I hesitate to tell.

You see, I’m getting lonely; I’m tired of being greedy;

I’m feeling sad and pitiful and altogether needy.”

 Pete said, “Hmm, you’re right, you know, and I feel just the same.

We’re good at being robbers, but we have a dreadful name.

I think it’s time to change our ways and stop with being bad.

Others call us awful things, like ‘horrible’ and ‘cad.’

I wonder how we both would feel if we were sweet and good,

If we did things to help folk out as, really, we all should.”

Now, Pete and Pat are wonderful; they’re kind as they can be.

They’re models of deportment, as anyone can see;

But, sometimes, Pete gets misty-eyed and thinks of olden days;

He has good intentions, but it’s hard to change one’s ways.


  1. Great pic and great story with a lesson.

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