November Rainfall

November Rainfall


November dawns dark and soggy here in NW Arkansas. In fact, it’s pretty perfect. Have you ever noticed how a light in a window glows even brighter on a dark day? Or the golden maple tree out front, or the blaze in the fireplace? What would we do without light on these days? What would we do without God’s goodness and the love of family and friends when our own way grows dark? 


During the rain yesterday, I took some pictures, trying to capture raindrops in puddles. It was a perfect day for lunch with a friend. We talked and drank coffee and then when it was time to go, we were surprised to see that during the time we were in the cafe, fog had turned into a downpour. But, the coffee was hot, the conversation lively, and hours passed with no stopping them.

Time has a way of doing that, doesn’t it? It passes and one day, we are surprised to look around and see that children are adults, everyone has grown older, and much of life is behind us. But, what fun to look forward to a new month and all the gladness that each day brings. 

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