Newsletter news

Newsletter news

I am starting a newsletter for Darcy, Flora, and Ned. I’ll have a recipe, some anecdotes, news of what’s going on with publishing, a favorite cozy mystery read, a story about Nemo (if he does something outstanding) and, with each newsletter, I’ll have a winner of a prize. If you haven’t subscribed and would like to, please send me an email at

Saturday! Years ago, when I taught school children, Saturday was the day to get it all done: grocery shopping, housecleaning (I mean top to bottom, deep-cleaning) and getting ready for the next week of teaching.

Now, when Saturday rolls around, nothing is pressing (well, except writing and marketing). Sometimes, it’s kind of nice; sometimes, it is kind of lonely. As for cleaning, where’d my enthusiasm go? I don’t mean I live in squalor; I don’t, but a little dust doesn’t bother me. The best part about not having a job is that I get to set my own schedule.

Last night, Nemo and I were sitting quietly, trying to get interested in a television program when suddenly, a loud bang came from the kitchen! Nemo jumped to his feet. So did I. He glanced wildly around. So did I. Then, I remembered. I had put a can of Coke in the freezer hours before. 100_2637I like my Cokes just a little bit slushy with ice, so I popped it in the freezer yesterday morning, then, I forgot it. The can exploded. I laughed, relieved it hadn’t been a gunshot or one of those sneaky space alien mushrooms, but disgusted with myself because I had to clean out the freezer and mop the floor.100_2636

Such is the life of a retired kindergarten teacher turned cozy mystery writer. We had another nice rain last night, wonderful accompaniment to sleeping. Rain in July is always appreciated. Well, except for that terribly rainy July Darcy and Flora experienced; but, I’ll tell you all about that later.


  1. hmm, you might be able to use the coke explosion in one of your books

  2. Carolyn Bayley says

    My husband does the same thing with water or a canned drink. So far—I haven’t had to clean the freezer. Sorry, but I did have a good laugh.

  3. Deb Forbes says

    Oops. As I sat there contemplating my next a loud bang ran out. I dropped to the floor waiting, wondering. As I crawled slowly to the kitchen to grab my trusty baseball bat to use as a weapon I noticed a brown liquid oozing out of freezer to the floor. I sat their on the kitchen floor laughing hysterically for now I knew what the source of the bang was my forgotten can of coke in the freezer. Ha ha. Could laugh this morning and this is hoW I would tell it if it had been me 🙂

  4. I hope one of these days we get to meet, Blanche. I love your attitude to life…. 🙂

    Not sure if I mentioned previously, but I was putting a raspberry Jello to set in the fridge a couple of weeks ago. lost control of it, tossed it into the air, everything inside the fridge, I do mean everything, was covered with red sticky Jello…… Some day’s you’re the pigeon and some days you’re the statue….

  5. So, your evening was a little exciting!

  6. Just a tad.

  7. All that cleaning must have worn you out so you could sleep soundly. We had lots of extremely loud bangs last night as a monster thunderstorm rolled through. Otis and I spent a good share of the night awake. He was terrified and I was trying to calm him. I had a little cleaning up to do myself this morning!

  8. Stacey Jones says

    My husband says you need to use the coke event in a murder mystery where a coke can ruptures about the time that someone gets shot. He says it will sound like two gunshots but only one shot kills the victim. I know what you’re thinking; he’s been watching too many re-runs of Columbo! LOL! (Psst…I like my cokes slushy too).

    • Thanks for the tip, Stacey. Your husband is right…that would work in well in a murder mystery. Tell him not to be surprised if he sees it in a future book. Cokes are good slushy, aren’t they?

  9. Stephanie Hobrock says

    We experienced a horrible thunderstorm last night…two hours of thunder and lightning, not much rain, lights out for four hours! Not my cup of tea.

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