Mysteries and Inaugural Moments in History

Mysteries and Inaugural Moments in History

A moment in time for our country–a new President takes the reins. I love the pomp and circumstance, the traditions, following a procedure that reaches back in history to the beginnings of a new nation, a nation that has been the bastion of freedom for more than 200 years. I like listening to the inaugural addresses of past Presidents, Reagan, Kennedy, and am inspired all over again by their words. An inauguration connects the present to the past and to hope for tomorrow.

I don’t know what the weather is in Washington, D. C. this morning, but here in NWArkansas, it bears a close resemblance to springtime. Hard as it is to believe, my hyacinths are peeking up beside the porch. Out by the mailbox, the first jonquils have pushed tentative shoots above the ground, to see if it’s safe to raise their heads. It’s not that winter is over, but some mysterious inner clock of nature whispers that spring will be here soon.

early bird hyacinths

A problem has sprung up in By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. I need your input. You see, it’s this way: Ned has had a harrowing experience in a cemetery. Someone, believe it or not, took a shot at her and she had to stay, shivering behind a headstone, for so long that she caught a cold. Well, the next morning, the person she suspects of being the shooter phones and asks if she can come for a visit. This is the quandary: does Ned bravely face this person by herself or does she call her pals Pat and Jackie to hide out in the laundry room, in case Ned needs help? Would this show a weakness on the part of my daring sleuth, or just level-headed preparedness?

Last year at this time, evidently the weather wasn’t quite so nice. If you’d like to read No Tingle in the Toes or Frost on the Ears, click here and read about a squirrel who just might have a secret life as a mystery writer.



  1. Deb Forbes says

    Ned can plan on facing it on her own but when she mentions to Pat and Jackie they take it on themselves to come by

  2. Sherry Thompson says

    Deb has it right !

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