Lend An Ear

Lend an ear! Click on the title and listen to this spine-tingling moment in Moonstruck and MurderousIt’s here–the audible book and you can hear an exciting excerpt free. Lisa Feltes does a wonderful job with narrating. 

This was a fun book to write and I truly hated killing off the characters I’d grown fond of, but, well, the plot must go on. In the end, though, justice prevails. Between the first sentence and the last, lots of action takes place. Once again, Ned McNeil inadvertently steps into a mystery, not just any mystery, but one that involves a historic landmark and a family that leaves somewhat to be desired.

Ned’s cat and dog, Penny and Ulysses, are important parts of the Ned stories. They are always there, ready to comfort or to help. Ulysses has a particularly impressive job to do and he does it well.

Take a moment and listen as you garden, wash dishes, drive, or just relax. Lend an ear and have fun!




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