If You Ask Me

The trouble with getting older is that, with the years, a person gains some wisdom (if we didn’t, those years would be wasted, wouldn’t they?) but nobody will ask older people to share that wisdom! Frustrating!

I wish I had the gift of making a point through humorous speech, as did Will Rogers. He couched a truism in a way that people didn’t take offense, but he got his point across. That’s the trouble with a politician’s life, somebody is always interrupting it with an election, Will said. This mid-term election coming up next month seems to be interrupting several politicians’ lives.

If you ask me (although, of course you haven’t)  the core beliefs of each candidate are important.  Find out what your candidate believes in and what he/she will do, once elected. Political parties have changed. What was true of them thirty years ago may not be true of them today. If you say you are voting for a person, not a party, that’s true to a certain extent, but that politician must pretty well go along with his chosen party.

These are uncertain times, if you ask me, and it is up to each of us to carefully consider options as we look down the road toward a hazy future. We want a strong America; we want to stand firmly on rock-solid beliefs that have been proven true. We want a solvent America, not one that is owned by foreign indebtedness. 007

If you ask me, we have been blessed as a country because our Constitution is based upon strong Judaeo-Christian beliefs and ethics. If we want God’s blessings, shouldn’t we obey God’s laws? Putting political correctness or global inclusiveness ahead of what’s morally right is sort of like getting the cart before the horse. Not a good way to travel!





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