I Don’t Like to Say Good-bye

I Don’t Like to Say Good-bye

I expect this will be a memorable day, in a bittersweet way. Through the years, I’ve told you about Fran and her monthly luncheons. I’ve posted pictures of the luncheons, Fran’s beautiful flower garden, her numerous antiques. Today, sad to say, is the last of those luncheons.007

Fran and her husband are relocating because of a new job. I’m happy for them as they look forward to an exciting phase in their lives. New home, new neighbors, new sights to see. 006I’m pretty sure it won’t be long until Fran begins a ministry in a different place. In fact, she is probably looking forward to planning meals, inviting ladies, spreading God’s Word through the gift of hospitality. And Miss Kitty? That beautiful, orange cat will be a most gracious hostess, making her guests feel welcome as she offers a small paw for a tiny handshake.

Through the years, I’ve met many friends at Fran’s table. Peg first invited me; I invited Jane; Peg, Nancy, and Judy were regular attendees when I started attending. 100_2629Yes, several Cozy Critters love those luncheons. Women from many backgrounds, many states, and with varying experiences have attended and drawn strength from getting together to chat, laugh, and, of course, eat!

Fran has generously promoted my books, given a launch party for Nancy’s book, The Grace Impact, and helped each woman in any way she could. If I had a prayer request, I called Fran.100_2626 A question? Fran would shed light on it.

Today,  there’ll be a few tears but everyone will be trying to be brave and think of the good times. I looked up the word “Good-bye” and found it comes from an ancient expression, “God be with ye.” Okay. I can handle that. God will most certainly be with Fran and with us. That sort of binds us all together forever. It is a lot better than a final sounding, “Good-bye.”




  1. Bless you for this, Blanche! Many words want to come out of me but seem better stuck or the dam will be unleashed!
    All I’ll say is I love you…and your “Good-bye” words wrap up the ending of the before lunch mini-retreat!
    See you soon…

    • Thanks, Fran, for writing. I expect our connection not to be broken and I’ll look forward to your comments on my site and to your emails. I really don’t have the words to say thank you for everything through these years, but, thank you, anyway.

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