He Wrote Poetry Too

He Wrote Poetry Too

Sometimes, I watch a re-run of Johnny Carson. It’s interesting to me because it takes me back to times that were familiar and to people in the news forty or so years ago. Mr. Carson’s show spanned several Presidents, including Presidents Carter, Reagan, and the first Mr. Bush. When I watch, the years sort of fall away, as I remember.

Last night, on a show that was filmed in 1989, the actor James Stewart was a guest. I’ve always admired his acting skills and respected him as a person. Two of his films which were favorites of mine were Rear Window and The Man Who Knew Too Much.

I didn’t know he wrote poetry but he did and was good at it. Last night, he read a poem he had written about a dearly beloved dog. Before he finished, I’m sure many eyes were misty, including Mr. Stewart’s and Mr. Carson’s. So were mine.

As I turned off the television, I thought about how things have changed since those days. Movies are certainly different! So different, in fact, that I don’t often go to a movie theater any more. Laws have changed. Ideals have changed; the times have changed. Would Jimmy Stewart feel at home in today’s world? He isn’t here any more, and yet, he left many things by which he is remembered. It’s wonderful when a person’s time on earth is spent making things a little better, bringing honest laughter that isn’t derision, evoking tears over shared emotions, reminding us that honesty and faith and patriotism are still alive and well.

I just didn’t know that, with all his talents, Jimmy Stewart wrote poetry too.

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