Frost and Friendship

Frost is spread over rooftops this morning. Fingers of tree shadows stretch across brown leaves on lawns. In its final two days, November is saying good-bye in a chilly way.

This is the day I need to bring one of my plants inside. All summer, I thought it was a geranium, but now that it has shed its blooms and only leaves are left, I’m thinking it may be a begonia! At any rate, those leaves are so lovely in themselves that I’m digging the plant up and bringing it inside. Hopefully, it’ll last the winter. I’ll let you know how that goes.

If Nemo’s fall coat is any indication, it’s going to be a cold winter! In fact, his fur is so dense that he’s too warm much of the time, so tomorrow, he’s going to have a haircut although he doesn’t know it yet. Maybe, in time, he’ll be glad of the trim.

Have you noticed that cold makes you appreciate a warm home and a cozy fire? In the same way, friends and friendship warm the heart. May you have an abundance of both.



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