Enjoy the Good Medicine

Guest blogger Helen Hoover, prolific writer and one of the famed Cozy Critters, shares here a devotional she has previously published in a Christian periodical.
“I found mouse droppings in a kitchen drawer,” my friend, Kay, e-mailed. “I cleaned out the kitchen drawers and shelves and then had a trash bag full of stuff I hadn’t used for a long time. Thanks to the mouse, I now have lots of room in the cabinets. I think the mice have access to e-mail, cell phones, Morse Code, or something to notify each other when I’m gone. I don’t ever see any mice, just the evidence of their visit.”
Kay has the ability to tell life’s events with humor. Her phone calls and e-mail messages usually have me laughing. She is fun to talk with whether about our grandchildren, the local government, being a mother-in-law, growing older, or our spouses. Her rendition of a circumstance has encouraged me many times.
I have no control over how my grown children run their lives or health problems that come my way. Careless vehicle drivers, neighbors, and the government make decisions that affect me. When self pity, anger, or unfilled expectations rear their heads, it’s time to get my mind on something else. Looking at the situation with a sense of humor changes my attitude and I’m nicer to those around me.
Studies done on the effect of laughter indicate that laughing helps our bodies to heal from illnesses. These study results were not news to God. He’s always known that laughter is good medicine. Our lymph system and blood vessels perform better from the jiggling of laughing. Guffawing reverses the tiredness in facial muscles caused by sorrow. Giggling cancels out the bad affects of stress. Laughter is also good for anyone struggling with depression.
“We’re going to sit at your table the next time,” strangers said as they walked by us in a restaurant. People are drawn to those who enjoy life. Everyone may not have a friend who helps you laugh, but there are funny movies, books, and e-mail that can substitute.
Find the humor in life situations. It is healthy.
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

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