Dusty Memories

Cleaning out and trying to organize the writings I’ve done through the years has its own rewards. Among the many papers and books stored in my garage, I’ve found poems, a few songs, Sunday School lessons, stories that I wrote so many years ago, I’d forgotten about them. But, it was fun to re-read, sort of like meeting old friends. I’ll post a few of the poems here.

To cool you off right here in June, a snow poem: First Snow

Winter tip-toed in last night when everything was still

And gently spread a robe of white over every sill.

It tucked the autumn leaves away in mounds of rounded snow,

While sleeping woodland creatures lay concealed, content, below.


And, continuing with the theme of wild things, this time, small wild things: Here’s Hideaway:

No one would guess it, but hidden away ‘neath the old fallen log, quiet and gray,

In crannies and cracks under the bark, bugs and beetles doze in the dark.

When sunny days warm them, they’ll crawl and they’ll creep

From the log that has sheltered their long winter’s sleep.


Then, taking a fast trip to summer and a rainy day. I’ve always admired crickets and clover, so here’s A Small Umbrella

Down among the grass stems a three-leafed clover grew.

It cupped its leaves to catch the sun and drink the morning dew.

But, when the raindrops drizzled from a black and blustery sky,

Its leaves were an umbrella for a cricket hopping by.


And, it’s not only ‘neath logs and under clover, who knows what dusty memories lie hidden in the depths of accumulated papers in various hiding places in my house and garage? Only the shadow knows. Heh heh heh.






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