Come On In For a Cup of Coffee

Come On In For a Cup of Coffee

As you and I sit down with a cup of coffee this morning and consider the day, how do you think we should spend it? It’s Saturday. Here in NWArkansas, the sun shines and tree shadows dapple the lawn. A robin is up early, looking for worms to feed those hungry babies he has back home in the nest. It’s another day that God has given us. It’s a gift.

Little Sand Lake by Missy Albrecht


It’s a lovely morning in Minnesota too. My niece Missy sent a picture of the view from her dad’s front room window. I’ve been there in the summer. My choice was to get up, brew a cup of coffee (Tracy had left it ready to be turned on the night before) and take my coffee to a lawn chair by the lake. Loons floated in the distance, calling their lonely cry to each other. Water birds dove for fish, and Mama Duck kept her babies close to shore so they could run for cover if need be. It’s a lovely place, a good place for dreaming or planning or writing.

It’s morning at Dad and Mom’s place too, in Oklahoma. If they were there, perhaps I’d go over for a cup of coffee with them. We’d sit at the antique table in the dining room, watching leaves fly out from a corner of the fence. No, nothing bewitching there, just a brown thrasher busily scooting everything out of the way so he can find food. Flying leaves are a sign there’s a brown thrasher hard at work.

In Ireland, it was a beautiful morning six hours ago. Now, people are dropping into shops for scones and tea, surveying a castle right outside the window and planning a trip up to Dublin for a day of shopping.

What’s going on at your house? What’s the weather doing? You, my friends, live in many different places, some as far away as England and Austria. Some live out west, some down South, some up North or back East. Whatever you plan to do with this day, enjoy it and your coffee. Take a deep breath of spring air, put your faith in the good Lord, and venture forth. It’s a day to be tucked away and remembered in the future so make it a good one.


  1. Dawn Manos says

    It is FINALLY a lovely day in NW Arkansas! We, your family, plan on sprucing up your planters out front and the back too. We are slowly sipping our coffees over here to the east of you, saying how we really should get a move on. But, we’re not moving very fast. The back sliding door is cracked open and I hear the birds talking. I don’t hear human noises yet, so I will enjoy it while it’s quiet. See ya soon, or later. 😉

    • That sounds absolutely wonderful, dear DILly. You are generous and thoughtful to brighten my yard with flowers, making the day absolutely gorgeous.

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