Backyard Zoo

Backyard Zoo

Six squirrels, some robins, a rabbit or two–

My yard resembles a wildlife zoo.

Snowbirds, titmice, cardinals and doves,

Lots of birds that everyone loves.

But, what is the matter with those noisy jays?

They’re rude and raucous with no polite ways.

They aren’t inclined to share and act sweet

I’m sadly afraid that they don’t give a tweet.

They’re brash but lovely so I’ll not mind

And maybe someday they’ll learn to be kind?


  1. Morgan Mandel says

    Great poem about your backyard. Ours also has the squirrels, robins, cardinals, and sometimes rabbits.

  2. I love looking at them–a little bit of country right here in town. Thanks for writing, Morgan.

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