Are They Real?

One thing about this day and time on which we could all probably agree–they are uncertain. As if we didn’t have enough to occupy our worry thoughts, with a pandemic, politics, the ordinary ups and downs of life, now there’s an extra ingredient added to the mix–UFOs. Oh, my! Even the government is admitting they are real. So, what are they? Who are they? Are they friendly? Are they a menace? What do they want with us poor old earthlings?

We’ve had lots of help from movies in times past to fuel our imaginations, what with all the extraterrestrial films. Was there just one film too many and space aliens have come to set the record straight? Do they resent being cast as small, gray, and ugly or as gigantic, terrible, and mean? Are they tired of their original home and want to set up a new one here on planet earth?

Or, are they some sort of projection like a photograph that moves and disappears and leaves bewilderment in its wake? It’s interesting, that’s for sure. Is it troubling? Maybe. Mostly, it’s just plain curious. So, what do you think?

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