A Squirrely Problem

A Squirrely Problem

This is a soggy morning after a rip-roarin’ wet night (or was it in the wee, small hours of the morning?) The eaves are dripping, the wet pavement glistens, and in the back yard, a cardinal enjoys a quiet breakfast, unhampered by squirrels.

Yesterday, I hung my new squirrel-proof bird feeder and it works! The squirrels have not figured it out yet and I hope they don’t. The feeder provides food for the birds and giggles for me. The squirrels were great entertainment yesterday as they shinnied up the shepherd’s crook, reached over for the feeder, and the bird perch slid down, covering the feeder holes.

Squirrels are smart and ornery. They figure things out. The three or four who tried to decide what to do about the problem went at it from all angles, top of the pole, bottom of the feeder, atop the feeder–nothing worked. Yea! So far, so good.

Hopefully, the weather at your house is free of storms, and your day holds all the entertainment mine does with the on-going drama of feeder versus frustrated rodents.

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