A Special Friday

How could the day that the Lord Jesus died have been called anything but horrible, heart-breaking, anguished? An explanation is that it was once called “God’s Friday” but through translation, was interpreted as Good Friday. Then, there is the German word, Karfreitag,  sorrowful or suffering Friday. Whatever it is called, it is a day for us to soberly consider that the result of sin is so awful the God of the universe gave His life so that we who believe and repent can live forever with Him in Heaven.

Pilate’s wife sent word to her husband: Have thou nothing to do with that just man; for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of Him. (Matthew 27:19).

Pilate himself wanted to release Jesus, not the criminal called Barabbas, but the crowd cried out that he should release Barabbas and destroy Jesus.

Jesus had been mocked, whipped, and spat upon, not because of any crime He had done, but because the religious leaders hated Him. His friends, afraid of the authorities, fled, and He was left alone to die in a most horrible way–hanging on a cross.

The Bible records that while Jesus was on the cross, a thick darkness covered the earth. (Matthew 27:45). But, it isn’t only in Scripture that this is recorded. http://www.biblehistory.net/newsletter/crucifixion_darkness.htm and also https://www.lewrockwell.com/2018/03/bill-sardi/does-the-celestial-geophysical-historical-time-clock-provide-evidence-for-an-easter-crucifixion-resurrection/. When the Creator died, all creation hid its face.

And then, at the moment Jesus died, the veil in the temple was torn in two–not from the bottom to the top, but from the top to the bottom (Matthew 27:51) and graves were opened and the bodies of saints arose and went into Jerusalem, appearing to many people (Matthew 27: 53).

Jesus did not stay in the grave. Thank the Lord that after the terrible day we call Good Friday, came the blessed morning called Resurrection Sunday.

Tumult and inhumanity abound in the world but because of Good Friday, there is also hope.


  1. Yes, hope lives! We watched the Good Friday service from home this time. We usually go to our church, but we knew there would be a lot of standing, and it’s not easy with arthritis. It’s good that these days we’re able participate from home. The service lasted one hour and thirty-seven minutes.

  2. Blanche Manos says

    Yes, it is great to be able to participate from home. I agree–standing and sitting that long certainly wouldn’t help arthritis pain.

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