A Shorthand Situation

Coffee has gotten me through some difficult situations. So has Gregg shorthand. Those shorthand instructors in high school and college would be proud of me. After yea, these many years, I still remember. And, boy! Does it come in handy. 

When I’m in a situation where I’m uncomfortable or bored or a bit ticked off, and I can’t say anything for propriety’s sake and also the sake of my well-being; when I disagree and would burst if I didn’t express myself, I reach for my pen and paper ( without which a writer never is) and let free expression take flight. Only thing is, I wouldn’t want anybody to peek over my shoulder and see my innermost thoughts, so I resort to shorthand.


We all have little things we do when the going gets rough, when we want to say something but for propriety’s sake, we can’t, when it seems we will burst if we don’t. That, my friends, is an excellent time to reach for an out-moded skill called shorthand. And, what do you do in such situations?


  1. Sharon Mierke says

    On a different subject. I really like all your Moon covers. I don’t think you should change anything.

  2. Shorthand was one of my favorite classes. If I don’t want someone to read what I’ve written I still resort to using shorthand.

    • I’m glad you enjoyed shorthand. I still like it and sometimes when someone is talking, I’m mentally writing what they say in shorthand.

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