A Merry Heart

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” (Proverbs 17:22).

When I was young, I had the idea that I’d grow to be a plump, merry old lady, liked by all and liking everyone. But, with advancing years, I find the “plump” part is easy but as for being merry? Sometimes I have to work at it.

It is true, I’ve found, that a merry heart does a body good. What niggling thought or barbed remark can withstand a hearty laugh and a “God bless you?”

As Bing Crosby sang, “Whenever skies are gray don’t worry or fret
A smile will bring us sunshine and you’ll never get wet
So let a smile be your umbrella
Be your big umbrella on a rainy, rainy day.”

A big plus is when you smile at others, it’s contagious, like a sneeze, and it makes them wonder what you’ve been up to!


  1. Kimberly One says

    Smile, and the world smiles with you! A great antidote to a sourpuss mood. Thanks!

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