A Patchwork Spring Day

A Patchwork Spring Day

My thoughts this morning are a patchwork of this and that, a meandering trip through unrelated things. Hopefully coherent but probably not cohesive.

Speaking of related–it was a pleasure yesterday to get a request from a dear niece for information on ancestors. It’s great when younger people want to know about previous generations, those who have paved the way before us.

The redbud tree by my deck is blooming. I don’t know who planted it or when but it didn’t start to bloom until last year. It is entirely too close to the house but I haven’t the heart to cut it down. It is Oklahoma’s state tree. It stubbornly proclaims its uniqueness. 008Even though it may not be in the most advantageous spot of earth, it offers a screen, a shade, and beauty where there was none. In other words, it is blooming where it was planted. It’ll stay.

Just in case news and contradictory views are starting to get you down, you might like to read about a long ago Judean king who, although out-numbered and faced with a foe who hated him, persevered and found victory. King Hezekiah is one of my biblical heroes. Speaking of Sennacherib, the Assyrian king, Hezekiah said, “With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God to help us, and to fight our battles” (II Chronicles 32:8).

Although it is an extremely hard thing to do, I am going through accumulated papers, discarding, re-arranging, organizing. Pack rats have nothing on me. For some reason, I like holding onto things but I’ve come to realize that some things I hung onto were meaningful only to me. If I haven’t needed it in thirty years or so, I probably won’t! This new me is critical, discerning, heartless even when faced with ugly clutter. Out it goes! It’s nice to see empty shelves for the first time in years!

Yesterday was a good spring day; a patchwork day but sometimes they are the best. And, it could not have ended in a better way: supper with my children and grandchildren. I am blessed.



  1. Good morning, Blanche, as I sip my coffee. A Patchwork Day, it has a nice ring to it. In future, when asked what I’m doing, I won’t say ‘this and that’, I shall say I am having a Blanche Patchwork Day. I like those days. Write for a while until my brain goes on screensaver, make the wood-chips fly on my latest carving, cut stained glass for mosaics, wander outside, do a bit of weeding…A Patchwork Day…Lovely……but not today, I have to go grocery shopping…boring.

    • I really like your descriptions, Josephine. I’m honored that you’ll be saying, “I’m having a Blanche Patchwork Day.” Your patchwork days are quite creative and interesting!

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