Dare to Be Your Unique Self

Dare to Be Your Unique Self


Today is the birthday of A. A. Milne, creator of the beloved Winnie the Pooh series. His was an interesting life and, wonder of wonders, he was able to support himself and his family through his writing, almost right away. His story tells of his inspiration to create the poems and stories, the memorable little animal characters that have delighted generations. Mr. Milne’s life was an example of someone who took the gifts he was given and developed them into talents that he shared with the world. 

Then, I thought of other people who have left their marks on history in music or art or literature, or in the stories of heroism or because they were pioneers in different fields. They knew who they were, they did what they loved, and they didn’t try to be someone they weren’t. They reached for the stars, perhaps without even knowing they were doing so. When they left this earth, they left it a better place for having lived. What a tribute!

I was taught to be the very best person I could be and not try to be like someone else. I remember teaching a unit to my kindergarteners entitled, You. In it, each child drew a picture of himself, we measured and weighed; we wrote booklets telling about what each little girl or little boy was interested in, and what he or she wanted to be when grown. I encouraged them to be unique, to be glad they were a boy or a girl; to develop their talents and be proud to be themselves, unlike any other person in the world.

Today, I wonder where that uniqueness has gone? I see too much of a homogeneous culture, of encouraging people to be, not one of a kind, but like everybody else, so nobody will feel left out. And, I see the insecurity and the fear of excelling. This is not good. The scourge of bullying comes from such a mindset–people making fun of or belittling or spreading rumors about someone who is maybe a little brighter or richer or talented than someone else. Freedom of expression goes out the window when the possessor is afraid he’ll be ridiculed for it.

Anyway, I’m not sure how I got here from just talking about a gifted author. But, sometimes these are the thoughts I think. Right or wrong, they are my opinions and I’m sure you have yours.

Four Things

Four things in any land must dwell,

If it endures and prospers well; 

One is manhood true and good;

One is noble womanhood;

One is child life, clean and bright;

And one an altar kept alight,

–Author Unknown

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