Chronicles of a Cozy Mystery

Chronicles of a Cozy Mystery

Thanks to Sharon Mierke for allowing me to guest blog on Cozy Cat Chronicles. It’s an attractive site and Ned McNeil and I are privileged to be featured. Come, take a look. It also spotlights the cover of By the Fright of the Silvery Moon.

I love history and I love a good mystery. This morning, on an Old House email I get each morning, a most amazing house popped up. Amazing because of the history and also because of the dedication of two people who restored it to as nearly what it was more than 200 years ago as is humanly possible. It is in northwest Georgia, a place that is dear to my heart because Georgia is the ancestral home of my mother’s family. It belonged to a wealthy Cherokee planter. I have Cherokee ancestry, although I don’t think that includes wealthy planters. Listening to the video of the home and imagining what life was like more than two centuries ago is an adventure into history. Follow this link and lose yourself in a time long past and not likely to return. Fill in the gaps with your imagination and you have the basis for a wonderful mystery.


The trees are unmoving under a brooding, dark sky this morning. Only a slight breeze whispers through. Could more storms be moving this way? The seasons are in the process of changing, and sometimes that is a turbulent time, so…could be. We are getting much-needed rain.




  1. sharonrosemierke says

    Thank you for being on Cozy Cat Chronicles. Wishing you the best with your new book!

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