Autumn Rain

Autumn Rain

Autumn rain falls in the darkness of early morning. Leaves lift their thirsty heads, puddles form around the flowers, bowing under the downpour.

There’s something special about autumn rain. It’s a tucking away of summer’s heat, sort of readying the earth for a new season. It is invigorating and lazy at the same time. It’s a wonderful backdrop for reading or writing or painting. It’s a great accompaniment for a drive, or coffee and a warm chat with friends. It’s anything we want to make it.

Since time untold, farmers have waited for the fall rains. “He gives rain on the earth And sends water on the fields,” (Job 5:10). It’s essential for life, a blessing, and we’re grateful.

The rhythm of the autumn rain is somnolent and slow. From darkened sky, a lullaby, in summer’s afterglow.

Manos Mysteries




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