What Kind of Weather?

What Kind of Weather?

What kind of weather do you prefer? Warm and springlike? That was yesterday. Rainy with a good storm to clear the air? That would be today? Or, do you like winter? Well, stick around, ’cause the weatherman says that’s what’s coming after the storm. One thing about it, weather isn’t dull. The sky is dark […]

Elementally Being

When I went on the deck earlier, the sky was cloudy, the morning was humid, but, no rain. After going back into the house, I heard it start–the first raindrops. Immediately, problems receded, troubles hid their faces, and for a few moments, I simply relished the sound, the scent, the feel of raindrops. The rain […]

A Little of This and That

It’s raining this morning. Actually, it just started a few minutes ago but there’s thunder. Oh, dear! You know who is nervously hovering by my chair, don’t you? I wish I could explain to Nemo that it’s only noise and won’t hurt him, and I do explain; however, he doesn’t seem to believe me. Speaking […]

What Was That Sound?

What Was That Sound?

This morning, a strange sound woke me. At first, I didn’t recognize it. It had a nice ring to it as it plunked onto something metal outside. Another noise over-shadowed it, a soft rumble. Aha! Thunder! Rain. At last, it was raining. Now, the morning is still dark. Rain has stopped, but the clouds promise […]

Lightning, Thunder, Hail

Lightning, Thunder, Hail

Yesterday afternoon, we got a good, old-fashioned thunderstorm with rain! We even had a sprinkling of hail–not much, thank goodness. I’m so grateful and so are the grass and flowers. The roadside ditch where the children used to race their boats right after a rain, was a turbulent little stream. Trees were swaying, my little […]

Clouds Without Water

Clouds Without Water

Saturday night, we had a strange storm. The weatherman was telling of significant weather watches, and I could see clouds moving in. Then, along about dark, I heard thunder getting closer. And, closer. At last, it was booming right overhead. Lightning flashed followed by loud reports. I was sure we’d get rain. Guess what? Nary […]